WATER Element on the wall
Transform Your Bedroom
Into A Healing Place!
As you spend about a third of your life sleeping, the energy where you sleep is of paramount importance.
You are completely open to and affected by the energy of your bedroom as you sleep!
If there is one room in your home that should have good Feng Shui, it should be the bedroom, the most important room.
Without health, none of the other dimensions of life mean anything to us.
Transform your bedroom and your health using the 5 Elements.
Feng Shui Bedroom
By optimizing your bed's placement, position and surrounding elements you can experience:
​Deeper more restful sleep
Improved vitality and health
Improved relationship harmony
Your bedroom as a sanctuary
---A bedroom that looks and feels great, tailored specifically for you!
One Size Does Not Fit All !
How to Improve the Feng Shui in Your Bedroom:
'One Size Fits All' Feng Shui doesn't really work as life is not magically that simple!
​It is essential to first understand what effect the energy field of your bedroom has on you, as this is the only way to make informed decorating decisions that support you.
Next we choose the best place in the room to sleep, with the crown of your head in the best direction to support your health.
Elements can then be introduced to harmonize the energy, with the goal being to directly nurture and support your health and relationships, creating a beautiful space at the same time.
General de-cluttering tips are always helpful!
You can treat your bedroom like your personal healing temple, keeping it clean and clear.
Client Testimonial:
Add the correct elements to transform your bedroom and experience how it improves your long term health:
"It’s hard to believe how much my husband’s health has improved since I added the chocolate brown! (EARTH)"*​
* specifically for this bedroom and person
D.Delaney, Sydney Australia
A Testimonial:
"Rajita showed me exactly what to do with the Feng Shui of my bedroom to improve my health. I'd been suffering from many headaches and general fatigue. Since I made the changes Rajita suggested, my health has improved enormously. I have fewer headaches, and my general health has improved. I have more energy and vitality, which has meant I've been out walking nearly every day. I've lost weight without trying. I used to also have inflammatory pain in my joints and spine, which has pretty much gone now.​
So I would definitely say the changes have caused a big transformation in my health, which provides the basis for enjoying all the good things in my life."
Julie Cairns,
Queenstown New Zealand
Use the Elements Best for Your Bedroom!
The Energy Field Assessment and Bedroom Consultation will show if FIRE is the Element that would best support you.
The Energy Field Assessment and Bedroom Consultation will show if METAL is the Element that would best support you.
The Energy Field Assessment and Bedroom Consultation will show if WOOD is the Element that would best support you.
"Supported Our Relationship and Family Harmony"
I could not be happier with the decision my husband and I made to consult with Rajita before moving into our new (first) home. The energy assessment grounded us in our new space and informed design decisions as well as the placement of furniture. I was amazed at how even the smallest changes made a big difference. The Feng Shui in our bedroom has supported our relationship and family harmony. I feel our health, well-being, and prosperity are being fully supported by the energy in our home. I just love coming home every day!
I feel our home is our sanctuary largely due to Rajita's Flying Star Feng Shui.
Amber Jenkins, San Ramon CA