Health Improved from Bedroom Feng Shui
"Rajita showed me exactly what to do with the Feng Shui of my bedroom to improve my health. I'd been suffering from many headaches and general fatigue. Since I made the changes Rajita suggested, my health has improved enormously. I have fewer headaches, and my general health has improved. I have more energy and vitality, which has meant I've been out walking nearly every day. I've lost weight without trying. I used to also have inflammatory pain in my joints and spine, which has pretty much gone now.
So I would definitely say the changes have caused a big transformation in my health, which provides the basis for enjoying all the good things in my life."
Julie Cairns
Queenstown New Zealand
Wealth & Success Enhanced
"The changes Rajita recommended were actually surprisingly simple and inexpensive, and I immediately saw an increase to my business revenue. Then in my launch the following month I more than doubled the financial target I’d set!
The difference in the ease of financial flow was so marked that I totally put it down to the work we did to change the financial energy blueprint of my office.
I highly recommend doing this work with Rajita – one thing is for sure, I won’t be moving to a new home without consulting her in the future!"
Catherine Watkin, London England
Amazing Wealth Cure #Don'tMovetheCure
"Rajita is definitely talented and knows her stuff. She had told me that I needed a water feature in my salon to help with the financial Qi (energy). She was specific on its location. I'll be honest, I wasn't fond of the location and felt it looked 'off-centered'. But I trusted her and for over 1 year it had been in the same location. Finances were good and steady even in the regular slow periods.
A few weeks ago I was rearranging my salon trying to make more room. I honestly forgot the importance of the water feature location and I moved it. I didn't move it a lot, but about 12 inches or so to the left, so it was 'centered'. About 2 weeks later I noticed we were slower than normal and it was a pretty obvious instant slowdown. Then it dawned on me... I had moved that water feature!
I thought that had to be it! I remembered Rajita had told me if something is or isn't in the right place that I would notice within 2 weeks. Well, I immediately moved the water feature back. Yes, it's 'off-centered' again... but it's well worth it! No joke, as soon as I moved it back within 20 minutes I had two calls, one text, and one email requesting appointments and now we are back to being busy again.
I owe that all to Rajita and her magical scientific expertise."
Cheri Clark, Mirror Mirror Salon, Makawao Hawai'i
Money Returned Exponentially!
"Since Rajita’s consultation, I’m getting $700 more a month for renting out my place. I can’t believe what a difference her Feng Shui makes! It's amazing!"
Daya Fisch, Monterey CA
Testimonial from Catherine Watkin
Life Transformed:
Looks and Feels So Right for Me
"First and foremost Rajita has a wonderful eye for aesthetics. After following her plan for changing my bedroom I found myself smiling every time I entered. As I look back now over the last 3 years since we implemented her Feng Shui suggestions, I can track so many changes that started from that time. My health improved and my whole body structure has changed. I found myself knowing more clearly what I wanted and being able to turn those dreams into reality.
There has been a level of ease that I previously never experienced. I have gone from feeling stuck to feeling liberated. Best of all her suggestions were tailored to my budget, practical, and simple to achieve.
Now as I sit in my new apartment I again am so appreciative of Rajita's assistance in this venture. She has helped with searching for the best place to buy, checking floor plans before inspection, teaching me what to look for that would support me on all the subtle levels, and advising on furniture placement and accent colors.
It is wonderful to open my front door and step into a place that looks and feels so right for me."
Nitya Amrita, Sydney, Australia
House Resonates with Calm
I am happy to recommend Consult Feng Shui. I sought Rajita's advice when considering the purchase of my new home. The house was not without its challenges, particularly because of its original use. Rajita and I live on different sides of the equator and initially, she only had the images from the real estate agent's internet presentation to reference.​​​
Rajita suggested a number of recommendations that stopped me in my tracks, from the use of particular rooms to the placement of furniture, materials, and colors. She certainly took me out of my comfort zone but my instinct told me to be open to change. I decided to incorporate almost all of her suggestions, interpreting them according to my own style preferences.
The result? I have a home that I love, the spaces flow beautifully, the colors and materials are gorgeous and the whole house resonates calm and beautiful. There isn't a person who walks in my front door who doesn't respond positively.​
I am more than happy to recommend Rajita and Consult Feng Shui. My advice to other prospective clients is to trust her and trust the process. You can easily put your own personal stamp on your space, while still getting the best result from a feng shui point of view.​​
Toni Whitmont, Sydney Australia
Clean Clear & Vibrant
I asked Rajita for a consultation to help me pick the best colors for the walls in my kitchen, hallway and facial treatment room. The recommended color choices transformed my home and created a really clean, clear and vibrant atmosphere.
I've had many friends and clients comment on how uplifting these changes made them feel.
Rajita also gave me excellent business advice based on Flying Star Feng Shui that saved me from losing money.
Megan Wood, Pa'ia Maui Hawaii
A Feeling of Peacefulness...
"I had some expectations that I would get some good information, but I was truly amazed that with her calculations, she pinpointed the exact areas of the house that have a big problem with radon, without my ever mentioning this issue. She also knew the exact location of an area beside the house where no plant will grow."
"She gave me some simple and inexpensive remedies which I put into effect. I have to honestly say that although I was open to trying and thought there might be some improvement, I didn't have huge expectations for a dramatic effect. Yet, in fact, I could immediately truly feel a difference with the first remedy I put into place. I was quite amazed.
What I felt was a sense of ease and a lightening...a feeling of a lifting of some kind of heaviness...a feeling of peacefulness."
Rita Jean Sutcliffe,
Sparta Tennessee
Surprisingly Effective!
After the changes were made, people coming in have commented on how beautiful it looks. Since then I realized that I have started a yoga practice which is really good for my health and well-being, and a bit later also learned a meditation practice as well.
The changes that were made weren’t big but they were surprisingly effective. Now I have a beautiful new area in my home that is a little sanctuary that uplifts my spirit and supports my health and well being.
Gael Ruby, Mt.Shasta CA
Revenues Remain Steady Despite Covid!
I did one simple change at my work and immediately reservations increased
After all the changes were implemented, despite some staff reluctance, things are more harmonious and revenues remain steady despite Covid
When my husband moved the table he was working at, he received a $20,000 grant for a project and got hired full time somewhere else at a higher rate than expected
​Mary Albitz, Island Art Party,
Maui Hawaii
#FengShui Works! Don't Undo the Cures!
Recently as I was in Australia away from my home in New Zealand, my business there began to struggle.
Partly the business was struggling because of the pandemic... but that had been going on for a while and business had somehow gotten worse after I left. My business partner was quite worried about our cashflow situation, and we had to sell some other assets to cover the crunch.
When I got home, I discovered that the Feng Shui cures Rajita had advised me to put in the entry and the home office had been totally undone by my business partner.
Also, our other housemate who helps in the business as well as having his own coaching business, also commented that he’d experienced a downturn in his personal cashflow situation since I’d been gone.
He spent a lot of time in the home office, and had undone most of the cures in that room, including moving the desk position and orientation.
As soon as I got home, I reinstalled the Feng Shui cures. I also explained the importance of keeping them in place. We immediately saw a spike in reservations for our AirBnB properties, and that has since continued. Business is on the up and up!
Our housemate who had been complaining of cashflow issues in his own coaching business too, has also seen an improvement since the cures have been reinstalled.
The key lesson: Feng Shui works! It works fast!
And... don’t undo your cures!
Julie Cairns, Queenstown New Zealand
Real Estate Selection:
Saved Me Financially!
I asked Rajita to Feng Shui the home that we were in contract to purchase
She asked for the plot and house plan, and then pointed out an area and asked if there were water problems in that location
I let her know that there had been and that they had been taken care of
Rajita suggested that I get that in writing, as a real estate purchase is usually one of the biggest investments we will make, and she had reason to believe the problem was ongoing
I went back to check on what she had said and found black mold growing on the new plywood in the garage in the area she had asked about!
We were saved from buying a property that would have been a serious drain on our health and wealth, and Rajita did this from Maui Hawaii and we live in New Zealand!
Siddiqi Ray, Auckland New Zealand
360' Change for the Better!
"I had the best experience working with Rajita on my home's Energy Field Assessment that led to a One Room Focus Entry Way Consultation. She recommended some remedies to assist with an issue she saw in our relationship with my mother-in-law.
Within 60 days this relationship made a 360' change for the better!
We just purchased a new home and are once again working with Rajita. I have learned so much and am so grateful to have connected with her."
Katina Haberman, Calgary
Bedroom Consultation: Exactly What I Asked For!
The only problem was that my husband did not like sleeping in our bedroom for various reasons despite our enjoying a good relationship.
There were 2 main recommendations: add a golden headboard and beautiful sounding wind chimes for our usually breezy location. We got them in place and it turns out that now my husband is sleeping in our bedroom!
So simple and just amazing how it works!
Works Like Magic to Keep the Peace!
I was having trouble as my husband and I kept fighting every time we were in the kitchen together. I went to Rajita for help because she has helped me many times with her Feng Shui tools. She suggested I light a candle every time we went into the kitchen to cook dinner, especially as that was when we would start fighting! I put one in the exact spot she told me to put it and didn't tell my husband as he would have a made fun of everything.
The next day I lit the candle before I started dinner and it was like magic! We didn't fight and he had no idea. We actually had a lovely dinner and enjoyed each other's company. This is not a joke: It worked every day!!! Some days I would lite the candle a little later because I forgot, but every time it helped and kept the peace!
Debie Delaney, Sydney Australia
Wealth Enhancement Cure!
Debra Sexton here to share my personal/business experience related to the placement of a dear friends fountain. Under Rajita's guidance, my friend had a fountain set up in the "chosen" spot for quite some time. At some point she removed the water and replaced it with soil and some succulents. Her client load dropped and she decided to jump back into water fountain mode, as STRONGLY recommended by dear Rajita.
I was staying with this dear friend at that time, and NO KIDDING.....the VERY day she started the fountain up, I personally received an inquiry from a potential client! I did my follow up work and proposal....and today I received word that the inquiry shifted to a start date of 1/1/2020! I've been directly affected by Rajita's expertise, needless to say and my friend's generosity in having me as a house guest at just the right time. Thank you both......and I'm SOLD!
Debra Sexton, Seattle WA
Real Estate Investment and Sales: It Would Have Saved a Lot of Time, Energy and Money...
We bought an investment property in Noosa Springs to refurbish and sell. We worked with a decorator and thought the house looked great, but no one was interested in the property. It was stagnant - no viewers.
We were at a loss, especially given the work put in and the guarantee by the local realtor that this property would sell quickly. We then contacted Rajita for Feng Shui guidance.
We followed her guidance to the letter. Rajita even noted that the best time for selling was February (2020). To my husband’s amazement - not mine, the house sold in the month she had noted to be the best possible time for a sale. It would have saved a lot of time, energy and money had we come to Rajita before purchasing the house to check if the house would be good for us.
Another time I sought Rajita's advice, regarding the purchase of a very large, top floor apartment. My husband was immediately taken with it and was very keen to buy and live in it. I suggested we seek her advice (particularly given the experience of Noosa Springs!).
Rajita advised that on EVERY level, to go ahead and buy would be disastrous - for health, money, and harmony. We followed her advice and did not proceed (for which I am most grateful!). Interestingly there have been a number of health issues for people in this apartment - suicide, and another sudden death.
The testimonial here is about the importance of checking in with Rajita Antonia first, before considering the purchase of a property.
Leanda Elliot, Queensland, Australia